
Marketing Planning Process: How to Get Subscribers to your eNewsletter

As part of your marketing planning process, getting more subscribers to your eNewsletter may be one of your goals. eNewsletters are a great marketing tool to keep your audience engaged in your various activities and content. However, getting people to subscribe to your eNewsletter can be difficult, especially if you are starting with something that is brand new. Here are some of our best tactics to get people subscribing left and right to your eNewsletter.

Make Sure the Signup Form is Easy

You don’t need to have your users fill out a ton of information just to be added to your email list. In fact, we just ask for an email address when it comes to our eNewsletter subscribe option. The easier it is for them to subscribe, the more likely they are to complete the form and subscribe to your mailing list.

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Put a Subscribe Button in Various Places

As part of your marketing planning process, include a subscribe button or link in several high traffic areas to gain views and promote. They may not sign up the first time they see it, so it’s ok to to place this call-to-action in several areas. A few ideas are:

  • Your email signatures
  • A pop-up notification when someone visits your blog
  • As a call-to-action at the end of every blog post
  • Depending on your site navigation, add it to your navigation bar
  • Promote on your social media pages

Make the Value Clear as part of your Marketing Planning Process

As you are promoting both your eNewsletter subscription and content, promote the value of subscribing. Will they get discounts or a special value if they receive your eNewsletter? Is there specific information only available via the eNewsletter? Can you give them first access to a product or news? Think of something you can offer only to your email subscribers.

Run a Contest or Promotion Directly Associated with Subscribing

The quickest way to build an email list is to give something in return for subscribing. This could be a valuable piece of content, a chance to win a prize as part of a contest, or even a promotion on your goods or services (ie. 10% off your next order). Make sure it is valuable enough that they’ll want to give their email address in return for what you’re offering. The only downside to this is your email list will include people who only signed up for your promotion. This is why the next step, great content is important. It will help turn those unsure subscribers into readers.

Follow it all up with Great Content

Once you get a few subscribers, it is important to create content they’ll want to read. The only thing that will keep your audience interested is content that directly relates to them. Create a few personas of your dream audience and have each and every piece of content appeal to them. The more you know of your target market, the more refined your personas will be, and the better your content will appeal to your target market. This will turn a subscriber into a regular reader and customer.

And Repeat

Getting subscribers to your eNewsletter is a never-ending cycle of creating great content to put in your eNewsletter and finding places to promote your content. After a while, your audience will look forward to finding your eNewsletter in their inbox.



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