
Local SEO: 6 Website Mistakes You Might Be Making

Good inbound marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) can be something of an art and a science. Finding and adequately incorporating the right keywords and search terms into well-crafted and high-quality content is an important part of making sure that your website is working well and ranking at the top of the search engines.

However, this requires knowing which rules to follow and which mistakes to avoid in order to get your business in front of your target audience.

6 Common Local SEO Mistakes to Avoid in Your Local Digital Marketing Campaigns

According to HubSpot, as many as 75 percent of all internet users do not go beyond the first page of search results. But simply landing on page one of Google's search results may not be enough. Research suggests that over 60 percent of clicks occur on the top three search results for every query. While ranking at the top of search results can seem like a highly mysterious and alchemical process, the truth is that positioning your site at the top of Google and the major search engines can be as simple as avoiding some of the most common pitfalls and mistakes that many businesses make when marketing services online.
1. Do not overuse/saturate content with keywords (also known as keyword stuffing)
In the early days of content marketing, keyword saturation was a common practice because the more the better, right? But as search engines became more sophisticated and better able to distinguish between quality content and mere words on a page, keyword stuffing has become a red flag that can actually send your page to the search engine no man's land beyond page one.
You want to use your keywords enough so that they register accordingly but in a way that sounds natural and organic within the text. Generally speaking, three to five mentions within a 300 - 600 word document is within the margin of safety.
2. Do not copy or duplicate content
So, you've found a brilliant article on another site that has attracted millions of users and would work perfectly on your site, too? While linking to and referencing credible sources can lend your content authority, plagiarism is a cardinal sin in the inbound marketing world, which will do way more harm than good. Like term papers back in college, cite, but don't copy. Similarly, repeating your own content across pages and sites can also hurt your rankings. Along with quality keywords, creating fresh, quality content on a regular basis is an important element in boosting your SEO.
3. Invest in quality content

With so many websites and content across the internet, quality is not always at the top of everyone's list. Though it may sound like a cliche, content is king for a reason. Even with the best keywords and ranking at the top of Google, if your content is mediocre or bad, users will abandon your site and may not return.

4. Do not ignore title tags and meta descriptions

Like your content, each title tag and meta description must be unique to the page.

Psst- need more info on title tags or meta descriptions? Download our Complete Guide to SEO for Beginners!
5. Use relevant keywords
Finding the most effective keywords for your content can be a process of trial and error. Taking the time to research and invest in targeted keywords that will yield relevant search results is a must to attract the right visitors to your site.
6. Make sure your links work!
It may seem obvious, but common usability issues like broken or missing links, as well as a website that is not optimized for mobile viewing or takes too long to load, will hurt your rankings.
Our Complete Guide to SEO for Beginners includes everything you need to know about getting started with SEO for your business. Download today and get started!

Local SEO is More Important Than Ever

Local SEO Kit

Are you taking the necessary steps to support your local SEO? You might be surprised at all the opportunities local SEO can give your business! Learn all about optimizing your website content, claiming your Google Business page, and more. Download the FREE Local SEO Guide and never miss a sale opportunity again!

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