
Winning with Social Media

I personally don't agree with the recent self-destructive behavior exhibited by Charlie Sheen. However, as I tell my kids, we need to learn from our mistakes and try to find the good in every situation. For me, that means recognizing some things that Charlie is doing well and learning how they may benefit our businesses.

I'm fairly certain most of the world agrees that Charlie Sheen is not the perfect role model for our kids. Well, unless you'd like them to take drugs, party, and neglect their friends and family. However, we must acknowledge that when it comes to social media, Charlie Sheen has managed to do a few things right.

Let's take a look and see how he's winning.

1. Be memorable. In 2009, I wrote an article about memorable marketing. Let's face it, until a few weeks ago, nobody knew anything about tiger blood or Adonis DNA. These catchphrases are so unique and memorable that they instantly stick in our minds. For the foreseeable future, when someone mentions "tiger blood," you'll think of Charlie Sheen and not an accident at the San Diego Zoo.

From a marketing perspective, that's powerful stuff. Had he been smart enough to set up the "High On Charlie Sheen Online Store," he probably could have sold millions of T-shirts and hats with these phrases. I'm sure others have already capitalized on this marketing brilliance and he won't make a dime.

2. Be yourself. Charlie Sheen doesn't pretend to be someone he's not, and he doesn't care what people think of him. People appreciate this honesty and his ability to embrace his weaknesses. It's appealing to others when you are open and honest with who you are -- even if you're high on "Charlie Sheen." Don't try to be something you're not, and be sure to let people see who you are. Social media isn't about business, it's about people.

3. Build your tribe. Charlie Sheen played the media like a fiddle and capitalized on their coverage of him. It took the 5th largest earthquake in recorded history to get them talking about something else! When the cameras started rolling, Sheen used ustream, Twitter and YouTube to great effect, gathering a tribe of interested followers faster than anyone else ever has. When it's your time to shine and the cameras are on you, take advantage of the opportunity (see #1 and #2).

So there you have it: three things that I think we can learn from Charlie Sheen. But it doesn't mean you should waste your time reading Charlie's tweets from here on out. Your time can be better spent building your own success.