
RAEDI Makes A Complex Subject Easy with an Infographic

RAEDI-Rochester Area Economic Development, Inc holds an annual meeting each year to share with attendees information about Rochester’s economic climate.

One challenge they face is to communicate important facts and figures about the city along with information about key initiatives. Heather Holmes, Vice President of Marketing, and Molly Schmidt, Marketing/Communications Specialist at RAEDI, thought an infographic that showcased key statistics would be a great piece of collateral to have at the table for each attendee. Thus the “RAEDI By The Numbers” infographic was born.

Heather and Molly enlisted the services of Sarah Link and the CWS design team. Infographics can be cool as we all know, but they can also be confusing and cluttered. The RAEDI team and the CWS team worked well together to make this piece a big success. Molly and Heather chose the most pertinent facts to showcase from their extensive library of data. They communicated that the infographic would just be one piece of a the multifaceted meeting so simple, concise and clean was the goal. A few of the statistics that needed to be communicated were:

  • Mayo Clinic Business Accelerator created 28 new jobs
  • RAEDI’s J2G initiative includes 30+ communities
  • Unemployment dropped from 5.8% in 2010 to 3.1% in 2014
  • Mayo Clinic is ranked the #1 hospital in the country
  • Rochester ranked in the top 10 for easiest cities to find a job

Heather and Molly smartly shared the graphics CWS created with See Me Productions, the video professional team RAEDI hired to produce a video for the meeting, bringing continuity in branding and messaging to the annual meeting. Several CWS staffers were in the crowd the day of the meeting and were please to see attendees pouring over the infographic and taking it with them after the meeting was over.

Congrats to the RAEDI team for a successful annual meeting and making a complex subject easy and enjoyable for attendees with an infographic.

Here is the full infographic:
