
You’re Invited: CWS’s Inbound Marketing 101 Webinar


On February 26th, learn about showing solid ROI on Social Media and paid search investments at Inbound Marketing 101, a webinar being presented by Alan De Keyrel.

CWS CEO Alan De Keyrel's take on Inbound Marketing

Q: Why is CWS focusing so much effort on Inbound Marketing?
A: The premise behind the inbound marketing methodology is simple and something we've advocated for years; market with a magnet and not a sledge hammer. It's about bringing all the necessary tools (blogs, keywords, SEO, social media, landing pages, etc.) together into one easy to use interface.

Q: What do you think the staying power of Inbound Marketing is? Will it be like QR Codes? Trendy for a bit and then gone?
A: Internet marketing is forever changing, evolving, and adapting to the tools currently available. While strategies like search engine optimization (SEO) were of upmost importance several years ago, we feel that an inbound marketing strategy will be an essential element for many businesses in the coming years.

Q: How much of a commitment is Inbound Marketing? How will I know if it's worth it for my company?
A: Inbound marketing is not for every business. There is substantial time and effort to running an effective inbound marketing strategy. In fact, we actually don't recommend inbound for some types of businesses. Attend my upcoming webinar to learn which types of businesses it's a good fit for. For those who are a good fit, you'll be amazed at the tools available to show real ROI on Social Media and Paid Search Investments.

Inbound Marketing


Inbound MarketingWebinar attendees will learn:

  • What the inbound methodology is
  • How to attract and convert leads into customers
  • How inbound improves SEO results
  • How to to delight existing customers (so they want to buy more)



Topic: Inbound Marketing 101


Have you heard the buzz about "Inbound Marketing"? Are you wondering what it is and if it's right for you? Join this interactive webinar by Alan De Keyrel, a Certified Inbound Expert.

This webinar has been closed...To check out the live recording click below!
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