
Facebook Changes Rules On Business Cover Photos (Again!)

Keeping up with new Terms of Services when it comes to social media platforms can be a little frustrating. For the past couple of years, Facebook has been tightening the belt around businesses and how they conduct business online. As soon as we adapt, it changes...again.

But for once it seems they are working on our side!

Implemented on March 6th, cover photo rules have been thrown out the window. The only remaining rule is that text has to be less than 20% of the image.

Here's what changed. You can now include:
• Call to actions
• Website links
• Address and contact information

This is huge! These 3 little things will really help boost your sales.

So you may be asking: What is 20%? When have I hit it?

Recently, Paavo Schmid created a Cover Compliance Tool (It's Free!) which segments the area of your photo where there is text and does the math for you. Simple enough, right?
As you can see, 20% is roughly 5 blocks of a cover photo. That may not seem like a lot, but utilized correctly it can be truly effective.

With these new changes, here are a few cool ideas you can do with your cover photo:

1.) Cover/Profile Picture Synchronization

Kinky Liqueur, has come up with a really cool cover/profile picture. As you can see, the bottle seamlessly leads into the profile picture.

The cover utilizes its 20% with their brand name, slogan, and website URL, while still using a stylish background Kinky is known for.

2.) Get Artsy with a Photo!

Here's an example of a fun web 2.0 design we created for our friends at Minnesota Corrugated Box. By using simple shapes, patterns, and shading, what was once just a side of their building is now grander and magnifies their branding.

A professional and well-thought out design can help your business be taken seriously, give you a more prestigious style and enhance your branding, all while staying within the Facebook guidelines.

3.) Get Artsy While Keeping it Social

Inc. Magazine is doing something creative with their cover photo!

Keeping with the magazine theme, they have integrated the feel into their Facebook profile. This gives their page a professional feel while holding the social aspects of their page. They are also utilizing the new Facebook policies with noticeable, but subtle, URLs to their Twitter and LinkedIn.

Don't be shy. Give one of these a try! Or come up with something brand new! There are a multitude of ways you can utilize your cover photo and the rest of your page while staying within the Facebook guidelines.

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