
Launch: Rochesterfest

It’s summertime in Rochester and you know what that means. The sun is shining, the weather’s heating up and…..Rochesterfest is in full swing!

To help kick off the event, CWS redesigned the Rochesterfest website as part of our CWS Cares program. The goal was to give the site an updated look consistent with this year’s design. CWS Designer, Sarah Link and Web Developer, Eric Reynolds coordinated on the new design and Eric developed the site functionality.

The website highlights all the great things available to the festival-goers from Treasure Hunt clues to the Parade to Rochester Has Talent and you can even get deals on some of Rochester’s best food! The updated look gives more emphasis to this year’s button design, has a simpler navigation, displays the pictures of past events, adds a comprehensive events page, and incorporates Rochesterfest’s Facebook page.

In addition to the modernized website, our very own Chief Happiness Officer, Alan De Keyrel gave his support as this year’s Rochesterfest Chairperson. He has been a long time Board member, served as President and Vice President of the Board. In addition Alan was the Rochesterfest Button Chair in 2003, 2004, and 2005 and Security Chair in 2010 and 2011.

Make sure to head down to Rochesterfest (6/15 - 6/24) and check out a 1860’s baseball game, take a segway tour, eat a corndog, or get some candy at the parade!

Check out the updated Rochesterfest website!

12 Steps to a Successful Website Project