
FREE Webinar:  Facebook Posting Strategies That Get Fans Engaging

Sitting in front of your computer, on Facebook, and you’ve just come up with the greatest status update anyone could possibly fathom. While typing in the status box, you’re in sheer anticipation of the unimaginable amount of likes, comments, smiley faces, lol’s, praise, etc. that you are about to receive. Finally you click post. Wait for the verification of your genius to roll in. Nothing happens. You decide to check your email, read a news article, grab a snack and after 20 minutes you check back on Facebook to marvel at how wonderful everyone thinks you are. Nothing. Check back 2 hours later, 5 hours later, 9 hours later and the only person that “liked” your blockbuster update was your 2nd cousin that you haven’t talked to in 4 years. Finally you admit defeat. No one likes your update and therefore no one likes you.

That might have been a bit harsh. Hopefully you don’t need people clicking a like button in order to validating your existence. But, whether you’re posting on Facebook for your personal profile or posting for a company page, the Holy Grail is to achieve engagement. I’m talking about likes, comments, shares, and clicks. We want to connect with our audience. Spark enough interest and emotion to convince our friends or fans to give an electronic thumbs-up.

If your business page does't have fan engagement, it's just another 1-way marketing channel where you talk, but nobody’s listening. Keep in mind, fan engagement is not impossible, but it can be tough if you don’t know the tricks to getting it.

If you're that person staring at your computer, wondering why nobody is engaging with your content on Facebook we don't want you to worry anymore. Instead we want to invite you join us April 26th at 2pm CT for our FREE webinar, Facebook Posting Strategies That Get Fans Engaging.

In 30 minutes or less, we will teach you how to become a master of Facebook posting strategies to get your fans liking, commenting, and clicking. We know that you will probably have questions, so we’ll set aside some time to get them answered.

And just in case you missed it, this event is FREE. But, you must REGISTER to attend.

Facebook Posting Strategies That Get Fans Engaging
Thur, April 26th, 2012
2:00-2:30pm CT

*By the way, if you missed our last webinar, Facebook Timeline For Business, you can watch it on YouTube