
FREE Webinar: Facebook Timeline for Business

As a business owner, I understand that social media marketing can be confusing. You just learned how to do all of this Facebook stuff for your business and then Facebook decides to change EVERYTHING on you. It's frustrating.

With the automatic switchover to FACEBOOK TIMELINE rapidly approaching for business pages (March 30th) you have 2 choices: 1) Do nothing and see what happens 2) Attend our FREE webinar (and in 30 minutes or less we'll tell you everything you need to know).

I would like to invite you to choose the latter and join us Wednesday, March 28th at 2:00pm CT for our FREE Webinar: "Facebook Timeline for Business: What You Need to Know". In less than 30 minutes, we’ll take you on a tour of the new Timeline format and show you what’s been added, what’s been taken out, what has changed, and the best ways to maximize your Facebook page with this new format. We're here to help get your questions answered and your nerves calmed. For those who want to stay a little longer, we'll take time to answer your specific questions at the end.

And just in case you missed it, this event is FREE. But, you must REGISTER to attend.

Facebook Timeline for Business: What You Need to Know
Wed, March 28th, 2012
2:00-2:30pm CT