
Connect with Customers using Facebook Deals

Deal IconAs business owners, we're always looking for ways to create more enriching experiences with our customers. "Deals" are a new Facebook feature that gives your business the opportunity to reward your customers when they check in at your location. This can help you generate awareness (since check-ins are visible to customers' friends), encourage in-store traffic, and build customer loyalty. Deals connect your business with people and help you become a part of their conversations. It's free, so read on and learn how to get started.

Deals give you the power to acquire and retain customers, as well as market your business. Because deals appear on mobile phones when people are physically near your location, offering a deal can generate exposure for your business to new customers. Furthermore, each Facebook user has an average of 130 friends, and if someone "checks in" at your business because you're offering a deal, those friends will hear about it. Finally, deals enable your business to focus on building relationships with your most loyal customers and earn repeat business.

There are four types of deals currently available: Individual, Loyalty, Friend and Charity. An example of an "Individual Deal" would be "Get 20% off your entire purchase," awarded to anyone who checks in at your location. A "Loyalty Deal" would be awarded to someone for checking in a specific number of times. For example, "Check in 5 times and get a free appetizer." A "Friend Deal" is awarded to someone when they check in and tag several of their friends. And finally, a "Charity Deal" is an excellent way for your business to give back to its community by agreeing to make a donation to a charity each time someone checks in at your location. Here is an example of the CWS Charity Deal running through the end of the month:


In order to create a Facebook Deal for your business, you'll need to follow these steps.

1. Check in at your business on Facebook using your mobile phone.
2. Browse to your personal profile on your desktop and click on the name of your business (from your check-in).
3. On the bottom left, click "Claim This Place"
4. Send Facebook a scan of your utility bill, demonstrating proof of ownership for the business location.
5. Optional: Merge your Facebook "Place" with your existing Facebook "Page."
6. Once your place is claimed, you'll be able to click on "Create Deal" at the top right of your Place (or Page if you've merged them).

iPhone DealUsing Facebook Deals can be an excellent way to find new customers and reward your loyal customers. For best results, keep it simple. Remember, Deals are brand new, so your customers are still learning how to use them. Wordy titles and descriptions will get in the way, so be sure to use short, simple instructions to explain your deal. Be sure to mention any restrictions and include a clear call to action as well as a time limit.

Finally, prepare your staff. Creating a positive customer experience is important for building customer loyalty. Prepare for your deal before it runs and communicate its details with your employees. Pretend you're a customer, and run through the process of claiming a deal. Ask yourself, "What was your experience like?" Finally, market your deal! If you have a Facebook Page, be sure to update your status to let people know about the deal. Create window decals or signage to let your patrons know a deal exists when they arrive.

Would you like to know more about Deals and other ways to market your business using Facebook? Register for my next seminar on Friday, December 10th at 8:00am.