
March for Babies in 10 Days

As you may recall, my wife and I had a son born 15 weeks premature in June of 2006. I'm happy to report that he is doing great and has no complications from his prematurity. However, every year thousands of babies are born premature and they do not achieve such a positive outcome. Our son, Carson, spent several months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Mayo Clinic and we had the chance to meet other families dealing with prematurity.

This year, my wife and I agreed to be chairpersons for the 2010 March For Babies walk for the March of Dimes. Without their research, many of the lifesaving technologies used on Carson would not have been available.

We have been blessed with a healthy child and want to give back both emotionally and financially. We have set a goal to raise $2,500 this year as "Team Carson" and would love for you to join us. We invite you to either walk with us or make a donation towards this great cause.

Thank you for supporting the mission of the March of Dimes and we look forward to walking with you on April 24th!