
Contribute Training

Many of our design clients use Adobe Contribute to update and maintain the content of their websites. During most Web projects, we provide installation assistance and personalized on-site training on how to use the software. However, we're hearing from you that sometimes the person we trained leaves your company or they forget how to use all of the features in Contribute.

To alleviate this problem, CWS is now offering FREE monthly training seminars on how to use Contribute. Now you can get a refresher course or answer that nagging question at no additional charge. We'll offer our Contribute Training on the first Tuesday of each month at 1pm. To register, simply call Sara at 507-216-6649 or email sara@cws.net. Here is the list of upcoming training sessions:

  • March 3rd, 2009 @1 pm (only 1 seat left)
  • April 7th, 2009 @ 1 pm
  • May 5th, 2009 @ 1 pm

All classes will be held at the CWS Office and will start promptly. Hope to see you there!