
Finding Your Way

On January 6, the Rochester Convention and Visitors Bureau held a ribbon cutting at the Shops at University Square (the former Galleria) to officially launch a new visitor information kiosk developed by CWS. The kiosk, pictured here, consists of a large touch-screen display that offers visitors access to live information about things to do in Rochester.

The kiosk is connected directly to a live data feed from the RCVB, so information is always up to date. It offers listings for shopping and dining, area attractions, current events, and wayfinding directions. The software is location-sensitive, so visitors can see each destination on a map relative to the position of the kiosk. Top downtown destinations include specific walking directions guiding people through the subway/skyway system.

These maps and directions, along with any other information provided by the kiosk, can also be printed out for convenience. The kiosk enclosure also contains a telephone connected directly to the RCVB offices just in case a visitor needs some personal assistance.

Developing this kiosk software was a very interesting project for us, and we look forward to refining it over time as we collect feedback from those who use it. Stop by and give it a try when you're visiting the downtown district, and let us know what you think.