
SargentsGardens.com Launch!

Sargent's Landscape Nursery, Inc. has been active in the nursery and landscape business in Rochester since 1971. We're thrilled to announce the arrival of their new and improved home on the web, www.sargentsgardens.com! This summer we've been busy overhauling their online resource for you. It is rich with gardening and landscaping information, details about their landscape services, garden center products, current sales and upcoming seminar information.

On the new Sargent's Gardens website you will find staff bios, as well as their company history.The extensive landscape section of their website offers information about the landscaping process, designer bios, and 9 photo galleries.

Also present on their new website is the unique learning center. Through the learning center you can expand your knowledge of gardening, find links to useful sites, and even learn some great new recipes.

It was a pleasure working with Sargent's to build their new home on the web and we look forward to our continued relationship.

12 Steps to a Successful Website Project

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