
Tips on Writing Website Content

I'm finding more and more website owners question their websites' content and their search engine friendliness. Indeed, your website's content and how it is written affects how the search engines rank it on web searches relevant to your offering. Hence, consider the following when writing headlines and supporting content for your website.

1. Consistently emphasize keywords and phrases. These are the terms your prospects and clients are likely to use to find the products and services you offer online.

2. Always use the present tense.

3. Avoid using all caps - they scream to people and look very unprofessional.

4. Use the words "ours" and "you" For example, Our expert designers can build your dream kitchen.

5. Use attention-grabbing words. For example, Professional, Discover and Powerful.

6. Use strong verbs. For example, "execute" instead of "do."

7. Use subheadings or paragraph headings.

8. Use bulleted lists.

9. Challenge the reader. Try headlines like, For Serious Gardeners Only! or Sign Up Here if You Want to Start Saving Today.

10. Stress the benefits on both your headline and the copy. Tell the readers, "What's in it for them." For example, Our nutritious ready to cook meals will bring health back to your dinner table.