
Launch: Olmsted Medical Center

As our local readers may have already seen, Olmsted Medical Center recently unveiled a new visual identity to the public. We are proud to have been a part of this and excited to introduce OMC's new home on the web!

Our main focus in the redesign process was making the site patient-oriented. This meant that great care and consideration had to be given to the overall user experience and accessibility of information. The oversized navigation along with brief, well-organized menus addresses this need, along with minimal use of graphics and scalable text to allow those with visual impairments to access the site more easily.

The site covers a broad range of information about OMC. Learn how to live a healthier life, find a healthcare provider that can best serve you, learn about OMC's new branding, or read OMC newsletters!

We have enjoyed working with Jeremy and the crew from Olmsted Medical Center, and we look forward to expanding the site in the future to make it even more useful.

12 Steps to a Successful Website Project