
Show me, don't tell me

I nearly passed over a house that I ultimately bought, just because the pictures of it on the Internet looked terrible. Seeing it in person told a completely different story.

Likewise, it's hard to describe a web-based application in print. Even screen captures don't really give you a feel for what it's like to use software. For example, a large part of good user experience comes from the responsiveness of a tool's interface. This is why a number of product reviewers like Screeniac (motto: "Screenshots Suck! Screencasts Rulio!") are taking advantage of the growing availability of broadband and capturing full-motion video to show what it's really like to drive around a Web-based application.

We decided to put together a guided tour of GroupLoop to help people better understand what the software can do and how nice it is to use. Although GroupLoop's signup process is pretty painless, some of us just don't like registering for anything until we really know what we're going to get. Plus, it's hard to see how an application can be useful when there's no data in it.

The demo is pretty quick to watch, but it will give you a good idea of what GroupLoop does. Of course, you're always welcome to take the wheel yourself by creating an account on our Free Plan. There are no ads or obligations for free accounts.

The tour covers all of the latest features we've added, too, like RSVP handling and integration with Outlook and iCal, so if you haven't seen the product since it was first launched, you're sure to notice some nice improvements.

See the demo at http://demo.grouploop.com.