
Conquering #Inbound15:  3 Inspirational Inbound Marketing Lessons

After sleeping for 3 days straight, catching up on all of my emails, and fully comprehending all that I learned from Inbound15, I can say that I am proud to have been a part of such an amazing marketing conference.

If you have been keeping up with CWS events, you know that we have added new team members, along with exciting new services not available to the average agency. I wholeheartedly believe that what we learned at Inbound15 will be the key shift on how we market to and for our customers.

Inbound15 was our chance to learn from industry experts about how to grow and exceed customer expectations using the increasingly successful methodology of Inbound Marketing.




Market Unto Others As You Would Have Them Market Unto You

Plastered to a 100-foot monitor during the keynote speech by HubSpot co-founders Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah was the core definition of inbound marketing and how you should run your marketing strategy: Market Unto Others As You Would Have Them Market Unto You.
Another way to think of this is, “Would I want it sent to my mother?”
Many marketers don’t take this into consideration, and it could be hurting your business. Inbound marketing is a means to earn the attention of your customers, keep them engaged and educated through interesting content, and show them that you are the key educator in your field.

Attention + Memory + Decision = Action

This powerful formula was brought up during “The Neuroscience of Memorable Content” by Dr. Carmen Simon (Co-Founder of Rexi Media).
Dr. Simon discussed how our minds are prone to habitualization, and without constant stimulus, our content will most likely never be memorable.
She stressed the importance of a core message and a regular change in stimulus. This method will get your audience to crave your content, while also triggering a reader's dopamine level. The result? Your audience will retain more content.
One of my favorite quotes by Dr. Carmen Simon:

“We forget fast at first and slower later. People may wish to remember, but hardly ever do they make an effort to remember. It’s important to control what people remember.”

The Fine Line Between Consistent and Redundant

Marc Maron’s spotlight was more of a meet-and-greet and to introduce his podcast, but it also came with a valuable lesson. When asked how he keeps his show fresh for the audience, he gave one of the most profound statements at Inbound15: “There’s a fine line between consistent and redundant.”
To sum up it up, there are millions of pages online. Thousands in your industry and hundreds within your niche. You can choose to write the same type of content as your competitors, but it doesn’t make you stand out.

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Bonus #1: Top 5 #Inbound15 Quotes!

“We are smarter together than we are alone.” – Robert Solomon, Solomon Strategic

“If your brand sucks offline, you’ll suck more online.” – Jill Rowley, Social Selling

"How dare you settle for less when the world has made it so easy for you to be remarkable?"– Seth Godin (Author, Entrepreneur, Marketer, and Public Speaker)

“You can’t out-spend the giants, but you can out-think, out-teach, and out-help them.” – Brian Halligan (CEO and Co-Founder of HubSpot)

"Success is making those who believed in you look brilliant." – Dharmesh Shah (CTO and Co-Founder of HubSpot)

Bonus #2: Watch Seth Godin at #Inbound15
