
Use Content to Communicate Clearly with Customers

Window shopping for the modern consumer involves browsing websites whether she is looking for a trendy pair of shoes or someone to shingle the roof of her home. What does your window to the consumer reflect? Is your website making a stunning first impression on consumers?

Have you ever walked into an office or store that was clutter-filled? Clutter can disorient and discourage potential customers. If those visiting your website feel they are unlikely to find the information they are looking for, chances are they will leave in a hurry.

Clutter Causers:

  • Competing font styles.
  • Multiple font sizes.
  • Multiple font colors.
  • Crowded content.
  • Inconsistent content voice.

Depending on the level of formality you wish to present on the World Wide Web, there may be opportunities to use a bit of clutter to your company’s advantage. Proceed with caution.

Create Clarity:

  • Limit the palette of colors, fonts and layouts used on your site.
  • Consider creating a style guide.
  • Pick a voice and stick with it: A casual, first-person voice can be engaging. A formal, third-person voice tends to possess a level of authority that inspires trust.

Is your content focused on your business or on your customer’s needs and wants? Lead with how your product or service solves your customer’s problem before explaining how your product or service works. Unless you show your website’s visitor that you care about their needs, they will not care about what you have to offer.

Seek guidance. Seek second opinions. Form your own focus group of friends and colleagues and ask them what they like and/or find challenging on your website.