
Launch: Find Cars Homepage & Facebook Environment

FindCars.com Redesigned Website

Congratulations to FindCars.com on their new website and Facebook environment!

What is FindCars.com

FindCars.com is the #1 used car search engine in the midwest with thousands of available vehicles for sale. Receiving over 1.5 million unique visitors every year, they have sold tens of thousands of cars, trucks, ATVs, boats and snowmobiles from their website alone. Beyond promoting dealerships in 10 different locations locations, users can also sell their cars for a flat rate of $25.

What Find Cars was looking for…

Find Cars was looking to redesign the homepage of their site. They wanted to attract more users and in the long term make more sales. They were also interested in harnessing the power of social media and give the fans the ability to search for cars right on Facebook.

What CWS did for them…

Dustin Hart (Web Designer) and Mike Schnell (Account Strategist) took the lead on the Find Cars’ project. The CWS team chose to design Find Car’s homepage in a simplistic, contemporary style with rotating background images, glowing buttons, and clear calls to actions.

Although the team was redesigning FindCars.com website, there were elements of Find Cars' original homepage that we thought were important to keep– primarily, the map. Users were accustomed to clicking a map for the vehicles near their city, so we created easy-to-click markers for each location.


CWS also developed a custom Facebook environment similar to the redesigned homepage which makes it easy for Facebook users to start their search. The Facebook environment was broken down into 6 categories instead of cities: Trucks & Cars, Boats/Watercrafts, Snowmobiles, Cycles & ATVs, RVs & Campers, and Trailers & Misc. Much like the new website homepage, call outs were added so users could “Buy a Vehicle” or “Sell a Vehicle”.


Make sure to check out FindCars.com's new website and let us know what you think in the comments below!