
Flash Is Not So Flashy

For years, web developers have been arguing whether or not the use of flash was a smart idea. Many customers requested the use of this technology because it was cool but we at CWS almost always suggested otherwise for various reasons, namely because it made search engine optimization nearly impossible. As we enter 2012, there is another reason to be skeptical of this technology. You see, sales were doubling for iPads, iPods and other smart phones this past holiday season.

And NONE of them support flash.

This means that as more and more people become dependent on mobile phones and tablets for surfing the web, you may be left in the dust. Plus, with new technologies like HTML5 and SVG that are supported on nearly all devices, it's time to think twice before hiring a flash developer. Nearly everything flash could do can be done in current technologies that are support by almost all modern browsers and all devices.

To see a "real world" example of how we're doing this at CWS, check out the new lot finder tool that we recently developed for Somerby. It's a great example of using SVG and Javascript to achieve flash-like results. Go ahead, try using your mobile phone... we dare you!