
My Modeling Days?

Hello - Cori Jensen from the KROC Early Morning Show. As James said when he authored the last blog "WE" are both new at this. Blogging that is. Lord help Alan when he gets back to the havoc that we've caused.

One of the appeals of blogging is to journal about your life. I've decided to share something that has happened to me that I find slap your knee, "oh no he didn't" funny. First let me say this; I LOVE being on the radio. In my humble opinion good radio is when you can be as conversational and real as possible to connect with someone listening. And this personal story is as real as it gets. When it happened I was beside myself with the anticipation of getting on the air with James and sharing with the world my embarrassment.

The set up:

It's a weekend. I decide to make a quick run to the grocery store. My husband is watching our daughter at home while awaiting my return with the goodies. I grab a hoodie and slip on some flip flops. In other words; I've made no effort what so ever to find a comb to run through my hair or swipe some mascara over my lashes. I'm out the door looking......well, grubby weekendish. I don't care, because to me it's just a quick run to the store. I grab my 10 items or less and I'm flashing through the check out. I use my debit card, and the older gentlemen behind the register asks to see my ID to check my signature. Clearly routine, until.........


Clerk: "Wow! This picture must have been taken' in your modeling days."
Me: (uncomfortable laugh)
Clerk: (now turning my id from front to back, and giving it the complete once over while saying in disbelief) "How long ago was this?"
Me: (perturbed and lying) "Long time ago"
Clerk: "No it was only 2 years ago"
Me: (shocked that this is actually happening, and cheeks glowing red) "2 1/2, it was right after I got married"
Clerk: (handing me back my card while shaking his head) "Wow - marriage has been ruff on you."
Me: (jaw on floor!!!!) "Gee - that's quite the compliment"

END SCENE as I run out to my car giggling.

THIS is why I love my job, and my life. Before working in radio I'll be honest that little incident might have sent me in to a grave state of mind. That kind of thing is what eating disorders and cosmetic surgeries are made of. OR at the very least a personal vow to never leave the house with out makeup and your hair done. BUT instead I left that store and that graceless older man with a spring in my step and giggle in my throat, because I knew that that little story would make great radio. It was just a snapshot in my life that I would get to share that would make others relate or laugh their butts off. Because like those mini laughable visual bites that we get to enjoy on YouTube; radio is my vehicle to share the embarrassing "if only the camera was rolling" momentos of life. I also know that to those that matter to me (i.e. God, my husband and family) they of course only think I get better inside and out as each day passes ;)

The more I learn about blogging I know that if you share you get feed back. So if you want to through in on the side of the filter less vomit mouthed old clerk and tell me to cover my witches snout before leaving the house please do. OR if you want to support my life's little embarrassments by sharing one of your own than by all means please let this space be your venting grounds. But I warn you. If you are anything like me, once you begin to share you might just find that you develop a thick skin and will learn to laugh at yourself. Blog on BloggyMcBloggerson's.