
Kylie De Keyrel on CNBC

As mentioned on Tuesday, we had heard from the producers at CNBC that they were going to air my YouTube video "as early as Thursday". Apparently the folks over there are extremely efficient, because the video aired last night. Don't fret if you we're planning to catch it tonight, I grabbed a copy on my TIVO and have included it below.


On a side note, I also received a call from the Post Bulletin last night and they have the following article in today's paper:

BYRON- While most 2-year-olds love watching Elmo or Dora the Explorer, one Byron toddler can't get enough of an investment guru.

Kylie DeKeyrel squeals with delight at the sight of James Cramer, the high-energy, in-your-face host of CNBC's "Mad Money." Her love for the show inspired her father, Alan DeKeyrel, to post a videotape of his daughter dancing to the show's introduction on the Web site "You Tube" in August.

"Every time (the show) comes on, she gets all excited and jumps around and yells 'Mad Money!' I just happened to grab the camera," he said.

A proud dad, he thought a few people might get a kick out of his daughter's admiration for the Booo-yah yelling TV show host.

"I kind of got a kick out of it, but I'm a dad," he said. "Every dad always thinks their kids are funny, but I just thought I'd throw it out there to see if other people thought it was funny, too." Apparently, they did.

More than 1,400 people have viewed the 47-second clip of DeKeyrel hopping around in front of the TV yelling out "Money!" It's gotten a 4 1/2 star rating (out of 5) and comments about it range from "cute kid" to "ha ha ha."

The video even managed to catch the attention of the TV show's producers. They e-mailed the Minnesota dad telling him they wanted to air his video on the show.

On Wednesday night, Kylie made her national television debut. Now the mini "Mad Money" fan is relishing her fame. While her father was being interviewed, Kylie yelled out "Tell her I was on TV!"

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