
A Real Website Success Story - Using Growth-Driven Design (The Numbers Never Lie!)

To be competitive, you need to stay competitive. That goal, however, is easier said than done. When The Reinalda Real Estate Team approached CWS, they had two goals in mind:

  1. To increase website leads and
  2. Provide educational resources for buyers and sellers

It was clear that what they needed was a different approach to a traditional web redesign. The Reinalda Team needed something known as (Cue choir of angels singing):    

Growth Driven Design (or GDD)

How GDD Works

The first step in this GDD process was to build a new website brimming with calls to action to enable buyers and sellers to engage with The Reinalda Team and interact with the local real estate market.

Next, we attached tracking tools. Not only Google Analytics, but also scroll analyzers, heat maps and click reporting. We’re talking real user data; the “we-are-practically-looking-over-the-user's shoulder-as-they-peruse-the-site” data.

Finally, the website was analyzed to see how how real users were interacting. The data was then used to make incremental changes to the site to improve performance. It’s a thing of beauty.  With GDD, if something isn’t working, we know it and we fix it!

The Results

Within six months, The Reinalda Team website had become a rocket ship with out-of-this-world metrics like:

500% increase in online leads

38% more website visits

96% increase in pageviews

GDD can go beyond websites. It can also be used for a business’s social media efforts. The Reinalda Team’s Facebook page and blog underwent the same process. New content that was exciting, informational, and consistent became part of the strategy. Visitors became more engaged and returned often as frequent and relevant posts arrived in their newsfeed. The fuse was lit on the social media metrics:

850% more leads from social media

100% increase in blog traffic

CWS and The Reinalda Team were able to effectively collaborate on design, analysis, and incremental changes to the web environment & social media channels. The important goal of education was accomplished, and traffic in all areas drastically increased. All because we tracked customer data and made (incremental) changes based on this data. We are pleased to see powerful increases in traffic;, it means the content is relevant, but from a business standpoint we were are super thrilled to see is that this approach converted a healthy return on investment. Cue the drum roll....

A 200% Increase in ROI!

