
Meet CWS: Andrew Ferk

Name: Andrew J. Ferk

Tell us what you're busy doing at CWS: To keep it simple, programming and playing foosball.

Describe Yourself Using One Word: Ambitious

Hometown: Elba, MN

Family: Shawn (Mother), Janice (Sister), Adrianna (Niece)

Hobbies/Interests: Running, swimming, music, technology, cooking

Favorite Sports Team(s): Minnesota Vikings

Famous Person You'd Like to Meet: Batman, or if not possible, Lance Armstrong

Something You'd Like to Learn to Do: Speak a foreign language.

Favorite Website: http://google.com

Favorite Travel Destination: I have never gone on a vacation since being an adult. I do like biking to Foster Arends and swimming.

Last "Gadget" You Purchased: A digital scale to weigh my food.

Favorite Book: Like Jim, I would say “Into Thin Air.”

Favorite Food: Cereal

Favorite Movie: The Matrix