
Site Launch: ChildrensMuseumRochester.org

CWS is proud to announce the launch a new website to promote the Children's Museum of Rochester project.

The new site, a pro bono work, aims to educate area residents about the benefits of the museum in hopes of garnering support to make the dream a reality.

On the site you will find a project timeline , learn how to help or volunteer, read FAQs, and donate.

What is a children's museum?

Children's museums are not just a collection of objects. Instead, children's museums emphasize interactive learning. Specially-designed exhibits allow visitors to explore educational subjects in a fun environment where touch and manipulation are encouraged.

Unlike more traditional museums, children's museums are lively, family-friendly places where kids learn through play. Currently, there are 243 children's museums in the United States, according to the Association of Children's Museums. Children's museums are the fastest growing segment of the museum industry.

Why does Rochester need a children's museum?

A Children's Museum of Rochester will not only benefit children and parents, but will also promote the economic growth and vitality of the entire community. The museum will attract visitors to Rochester, which will be good for local businesses, and will serve as a fun and educational destination for families who are already visiting the city.

Research shows that a children's museum would be well-received and self-sustaining. A survey of area residents conducted on behalf of CMR in 2008 showed that 81 percent of respondents felt there was a need for a museum in town. The survey also projected that the museum will draw more than 40,000 visitors annually from a 50-mile radius around Rochester.

Last but not least, a children's museum would enhance Rochester's already-strong image as a great place to raise kids!

12 Steps to a Successful Website Project