
MyBlogLog.com Increased Our Subscribers by 34%

You may have noticed that our blog has started to display the popularity of various links. In addition, we've added pictures of the most recent "registered" visitors to the right sidebar. This has all been made possible by a new blog tracking website, www.mybloglog.com.

I first noticed the link tagging on Emily Chang's eHub Blog a few days before we implemented it here. If you're a blogger, you should become familiar with their service as soon as possible. Even popular blog sites like TechCrunch have gotten on board, so you know they might be on to something.

MyBlogLog started out as a service to track where your visitors were coming from, which posts they were reading, and which links they were most interested in. All handy things to know if you're a blogger.

But it quickly evolved into a new blogging community and it's taking the net by storm. Thus far, I am very impressed with the service they offer and I think they will continue to prosper. For too long, blogs have been one-sided with very little feedback from visitors. This new service helps solve that by connecting bloggers with their readers in a community environment.

If you have a new blog, getting involved in the MyBlogLog community could increase your readership substancially. Within a few days of joining the community, we've become one of the "Top 50" blogs in the "E" directory. OK, I understand that there are 26 letters in the alphabet, but it's nice to feel loved. :) If you'd like to join the Everything Internet community you can do so here.