
Contribute 4 Released, Includes Blog Support

Here at CWS, we're big fans of the Contribute software package. A new version has just been released which mainly adds blogging support. Nearly 90% of all websites we deploy include a copy of Contribute for our customers. This enables our customers to quickly, easily, and safely update existing website content (and now blogs too).

Thanks to integration with Dreamweaver, we can create custom website templates with editable regions, helping to ensure that a website's look and feel is not compromised - yet still provide customers the ability to update content across the site. While deploying Contribute, permissions can be defined as to who can edit the website or update specific content on a page within your site. We can even limit certain users to "edit only, no publish" to help ensure content adheres to defined approval workflows.

While the newest version of Contribute does have some neat features, an upgrade would be optional for most users. Unless you're an active blogger (and using Blogger, TypePad or WorPress}, you probably wouldn't notice too many new features. An upgrade is $79 and the full version is $149, which can be purchased here. They also offer a 30 day trial version if you jusr want to take it for a spin.

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